Introduction to Accounting Theory


This introductory course will provide you with a sound working knowledge of setting up a CRA-compliant bookkeeping system for a small business; the ability to analyze transactions and report these within the accounting cycle in a double-entry bookkeeping system using accounting software, and then present financial statements to an accountant for tax preparation and review. You will also gain an understanding and appreciation of the professional and ethical requirements of a bookkeeper.


Chapter 1 – Accounting in Business

Chapter 2 – Analyzing and Recording Transactions

Chapter 3 – Adjusting Accounts for Financial Statements

Chapter 4 – Completing the Accounting Cycle and Classifying Accounts

Chapter 5 – Accounting for Merchandising Activities

Chapter 6 – Inventory Costing and Valuation

Chapter 7 – Internal Control and Cash

Customized Topics as needed.

Customized One-to-One Training Sessions Starting at $125.00 + GST per hour.